Wednesday, May 16, 2012


TMI- fair warning!!! Stop reading now if you dont wanna know.

After the HSG I went home with some discomfort and was told I might see some discharge from the ink/dye and/or blood. But a light amount.

Well Sunday night a HUGE flow hit and I was like okay fair enough this is from the HSG. Fast Forward to today and I was like okay for real I still have a lot of this going on.

I called into the doc that I am now working with for the IVF/Injection procedure and they had me come in right away for an ultrasound to see what was going on. So I headed out to the doctor this afternoon and sure enough it looks as if my period is here.

Holy confusion batman!!! I swore it came on May 1st! Isn't this disease AWESOME!?!?! Apparently it's here now. They did run blood to be 100% sure that is correct. I will find out tomorrow for sure.

In the meantime they started me on my new meds- Clomid and then Gonadotrophins, also known as injections!  Oh yes. I got sent home with a DVD explaining how to give myself shots. Exciting isn't it?!
I can't wait to stick myself daily with some medicine.

But when all is said & done if a healthy baby or 2 comes out of this, then it'll be well worth it.

For now I'll leave you with this video that hopefully helps you get the idea of what goes through the mind of a person dealing with infertility. Not every single thing she writes does go through our mind but most of these do.


  1. Trying so hard not to bawl my eyes out... I think what I struggled with the most was feeling like less of a woman because I couldn't get pregnant. It was so not a journey I wish on anyone. It's so confusing, complicated, cruel and humiliating. No one should have to endure the kind of private pain that women living with infertility face every day. I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this- my heart and my prayers are with you!

  2. Lyndsi....I stumbled on your page after I saw where my friend Kelly Foote had posted on your status on fb. I know you don't know me but I just wanted to wish you the very best of luck on this journey. I had a good friend some years back that went through all of fact...she did IVF 4 times. She had many miscarriages... and with the grace of God she was finally blessed with twin girls. I only wish you a good outcome because the pain you must feel I know is unbelievable. Good luck to you!!! Mindy
