A lot of ladies have NO CLUE they have PCOS. I mean A LOT!
If you come even remotely CLOSE to the symptoms of PCOS you need to get support if you're struggling!
I find a lot of support in the Facebook world- and I wanted to encourage you to reach out and find a great support group.
There is nothing like having that support of others who understand exactly what you're going through.
This disease has no cure right now... all we can do is maintain it. It's awful. No one deserves it- but it's here and we have to deal with it.
Especially if you're the type who worked so hard on your career, followed the rules- got married- then comes babies- and all the sudden 2 years pass and every home pregnancy test comes back negative and your period is all over the place. Hair growing all over you in bad areas- chin, upper lip, back- just SO random and awkward. The ZITS! omg! WHo wants to be an adult with ZITS?! YAY for high testosterone!
This can make you HATE yourself! And you shouldn't! This is just a disease you have to fight.
I fought to lose a ton of weight and that helped tremendously! I know weight gain is all part of this as well, it's something you can't help. I would say adding a solid nutrition plan to your life and exercise would help counteract this a TON! But I get it- not everyone gets past this.
Mentally- oh my- mentally you are all screwed up! Especially when you're starting to try to conceive. The world gets SO DARK and you crawl into this hole because nobody understands. Not even your hubs gets it!
I want to encourage you to reach out to a support group- whether it's live, in person, on facebook, twitter etc. It'll help you SO MUCH! Others who understand what you're going through- there's nothing like it! Plus! You make new friends!!!
That's all for now- hopefully I have my treatments updates here for you soon
Support, nutrition and exercise are definitely the three biggest things that help! Most women with PCOS struggle on a daily basis. Excess weight, hormone imbalance, aches and pains and lowered self esteem...not a good mix! It's a HUGE fight to lose the weight that PCOS causes us to gain but when you lose the weight your body's hormones start to get a little more under control. Your hormones will most like never be completely normal but manageable. You ABSOLUTELY need to have the support of someone who understands what is happening in your body and mind! If you have no one that understands, you ultimately get more frustrated and more depressed. Take it from me...the woman who's ex-husband wouldn't even take the time to read an article on the subject to try and at least have some type of understanding. Notice I said "ex-husband"! My wonderfully amazing husband now has been researching PCOS and offering encouragement from day one. Support is an amazing thing!
ReplyDeleteIt is great to have support and to have people like you Lyndsi who are willing to share their story! For years I was embarassed because of the "excess hair, excess testosterone, excess weight" I also had severe depression and major mood swings with this PCOS. Nutrition, exercise, and support are the most essential when you are on this journey! I am glad you found me :) Prayers for you and for all my 'cyst'ers!!!
ReplyDeleteMonica Walls
Why did I just see these?!?!?! I look forward to bouncing back after the twins arrive!!!