Wednesday, July 18, 2012


A lot of ladies have NO CLUE they have PCOS. I mean A LOT!

If you come even remotely CLOSE to the symptoms of PCOS you need to get support if you're struggling!

I find a lot of support in the Facebook world- and I wanted to encourage you to reach out and find a great support group.

There is nothing like having that support of others who understand exactly what you're going through.

This disease has no cure right now... all we can do is maintain it.  It's awful. No one deserves it- but it's here and we have to deal with it.

Especially if you're the type who worked so hard on your career, followed the rules- got married- then comes babies- and all the sudden 2 years pass and every home pregnancy test comes back negative and your period is all over the place. Hair growing all over you in bad areas- chin, upper lip, back- just SO random and awkward. The ZITS! omg! WHo wants to be an adult with ZITS?! YAY for high testosterone!

This can make you HATE yourself! And you shouldn't!  This is just a disease you have to fight.

I fought to lose a ton of weight and that helped tremendously! I know weight gain is all part of this as well, it's something you can't help.  I would say adding a solid nutrition plan to your life and exercise would help counteract this a TON! But I get it- not everyone gets past this.

Mentally- oh my- mentally you are all screwed up! Especially when you're starting to try to conceive. The world gets SO DARK and you crawl into this hole because nobody understands. Not even your hubs gets it!

I want to encourage you to reach out to a support group- whether it's live, in person, on facebook, twitter etc.    It'll help you SO MUCH!  Others who understand what you're going through- there's nothing like it! Plus! You make new friends!!!

That's all for now- hopefully I have my treatments updates here for you soon

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Ladies Take Note

Doctors say if you're coming up on 30 or older and you aren't close to the whole marriage/family process. Perhaps you're big into your career. They suggested that you get eggs frozen in case you are one of the females who will suffer infertility.

Eggs diminish the older you get- late in your 30's and early 40's!

This isn't the case with everyone, but it's something to think real hard about.

I always wanted at least one baby by 30.   Had I not gotten married earlier, I'm not sure what would be going through my head.  Because generally you get married- then have a baby about a year or 2 later.

If you get married late in life- what do you do?

Just making the ladies out there whom are waiting, whom have no idea if they suffer infertility or not- making them aware of their options to have a family when that time comes.

It'd help you avoid a lot of pain and hurt to know you froze eggs that will be good to use :)

40% chance of success doing that as you get older.

Check in with your doctor.

I have a great doctor that of course I would refer in a second if you live near me. I highly recommend. I even have a 2nd doctor that I use as well because of Insurance I have to balance the 2 docs. Both are great docs.

I hear some stories and it scares me to think what some of these doctors are doing. It's so different from what I do.  just scary for the lady.

The female reproductive system is crazy- you only get 20% chance to have a baby each month while trying. It can take you years, or it could be easy as pie.  You never know. But if you have a deep burning desire to have babies one day and are no where near working on that option than def freeze up your eggs.

And if you have PCOS, Endo etc DEF FREEZE EGGS!!!! It'll help you tremendously!!!