Today has been REAL interesting. Enough that I can write yet again!
I spoke about the HSG yesterday and never really explained what exactly it was.
So check it out HSG
The doctor required it as does my insurance so lucky me. I get to have my own doctor do it. He requested I come to the hospital tomorrow for the procedure. I hear it's painful. I'm not excited. But I'll do what I have to, to have a family.
I was talking to the Verizon Wireless Rep and he wished me a Happy Mother's Day. NOT COOL! I understand the kindness but NOT COOL! Thanks for that reminder!!!! It's hard- I'd say it's best to not say anything at all. You never know what someone is going through and you can judge or assume.
It's a struggle like I've said, I get a lot of people who tell ME first they are prego. It's like what do I have 'PLEASE TELL ME!!' plastered to my head?!?!
I understand that excitement for sure. I will be the SAME way when my day comes. So I try to be happy and excited and ignore the fact that this is reality for me and IVF is waiting.
I told you yesterday that I cannot travel during these procedures because of blood flow, sitting too long, and all the monitoring. So the decision now is do I wait a month and travel or do I cancel my traveling?!
I want badly to be there for my team, for the pictures, and the memories. This is really difficult for me believe it or not.
With this disease you never know if a round is going to work or not. You never know if you're body is going to develop cysts that will scrap your round or if it will work.
I love being in the unknown. NOT!
I'm trying to enjoy this journey... really I am.
I was just thinking about how exercise has been cut from me yet I need to exercise. So I was thinking I could swim this summer. It's different, slow paced, or fast if I choose and I bet it wont affect my body! That's something to look forward to :)
Anyway- happy mothers day to those who are and those who are not keep pressing forward, one day it'll be for you too.
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