Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Doctor

Today I met my new doctor. Well my IVF doc. I get my regular doctor back once I'm pregnant.

I think I already explained that the reason I switched my insurance was specifically to work with my current doctor. He was brand new to me and we knew it was going to be a lot of visits and treatments so we picked insurance to work with him.  Well when it was time for Injections/IVF he was told that insurance had sub-contracted out the IVF procedures to a different facility. It's not comfortable... but whatever.

So I met the new doc today after a CRAZY day.  I am doing the Ultimate Reset by Beachbody. It's a 21 day body detox, helps to remove the toxins, chemicals, crud, and fat in my body. PCOS is tied to toxins soooo perhaps this will help me! We shall see. Hal is doing it with me. Check it out Ultimate Reset

I made homemade dressing in the Magic Bullet for our salads today. When Hal poured his dressing serving he twisted the cap SO TIGHT that when I was trying to get mine out... I could not twist it back off for anything.  Detox & Medical Insurance can make a girl go crazy for real!!!  So after many attempts and my anger building up I finally broke the piece, and dressing ended up splattering all over my kitchen. I was NOT HAPPY.  On the detox you don't eat the everyday food. Now the food is great. It's a lot of salad so naturally the dressing is a big flavor you want and I dont want to cheat on this and eat a non-homemade dressing.  So I flipped out.  I understand part of this is the toxins releasing so release away!

I struggled with the insurance company as well today just learning about my benefits for IVF. Not gonna lie it might just be worth all this struggle and hassle because I am getting A LOT covered. I had read that this new doc requires payment in full before they treat you. But because of my insurance it should be all covered. So that's good to know.

This doctor is located in the hospital that I will eventually deliver at, whenever that day arrives. It was my first time at the hospital. Like I said we had switched out my old doctors and hospital for the new one who I now can't even work with. Super Annoying!

Parking at this place is a nightmare. I was in tears trying to park. I finally got into the docs office 30 minutes late. I got lost, I was so frustrated!!! But finally I got into meet this doc.

He showed me my options to move forward- but first they decided to do an HSG only to keep insurance from fighting anything. HMO is awesome for coverage but they tell you who you have to see. Hence my doc switch out of nowhere.

So tomorrow I'm supposed to get this done. I'm trying to go back to my reg doc to do it instead though so we shall see. I hear it's uncomfortable... so not looking forward to it!

From there we move to injections... sadly though I cannot travel with these procedures and I have  A LOT of traveling coming up.... I am torn on how to deal with this. Any input would be great! My traveling is for business but fun at the same time. So it's a toss up... because family is hard decisions.

This is my ultimate goal... do I wait or do I move forward?   Can't it just get easy already?! SERIOUSLY!!!!

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