Wednesday, October 17, 2012

22 Weeks!

This is Baby A, he is the chill baby per my nurses. You can always find his heartbeat and he seems to always be in the same area. He's over 1lb now! I got for more measurements next week! I'll be curious to see how big he's gotten since then.

This is Baby B, he is staring directly at us! He's got one hand kinda up by his head, almost as if he is waving at you! He's basically turned looking at us, or kinda on his back looking towards us. Either way he's looking at us! Now this guy- he likes to move from top of my bump to bottom. Up and down, and his heartbeat is always the hardest to find.

Wonder if this reflects their little personalities already?!?!?

We've started to design out their nursery. I'm shopping decals and a couple cute phrases to hang up.
We're painting it this weekend so we can start to set up. The furniture should be here next week with a couple pieces on back order- not due till Feb!!! So hopefully they come a bit earlier.

So hard to pinpoint timing with twins. The docs want them to come at 37 wks, which is basically the SuperBowl week, or week leading up to SuperBowl. They're technically due Feb 22. I've also heard they come as early as 30-32 wks! That is December!!!  So if I had to have it MY WAY- I'd hope for a late January due date. That's about 35-36 wks and I think is great timing.

It's coming up quickly, and will probably move quicker as the holidays approach.

My baby shower is coming up in November. I have no idea all of what is going on with it, other than it'll be sports themed since there are 2 boys on the way!

Here's the invite- cute isn't it?  

I couldn't even tell you how big my stomach is now. I imagine I measure about 4 wks ahead in size. At least that's what I'm understanding. And as I type this, the twins are kicking me. It's like my stomach is a fish tank!

I've had some contractions, super light, but enough that I get monitored A LOT! This week I was in the doctors office twice and next week I go in twice! I'm on extra rest and medicine. The doctor wants to keep them cookin' for 16 more weeks! Whew! I will have to get a bump picture update soon! It's getting big.

Getting out of bed, or rolling over in bed to sleep on a side is quite the task now. I use a ton of pillows and am SO ready for a recliner!!!

I'm excited for their arrival! Hal and I have been discussing names and of course designing the nursery is a blast!

SIDENOTE: if you're a buy buy baby shopper take note you need one coupon PER item you buy in that store! Something I learned this week. You can use Bed Bath and Beyond coupons but they require 1 coupon per item. Good info to know up front esp when you're having twins!

That's all for now!


  1. Well good luck!!! i love the invite for the shower. Keep us informed. Yeah they need to keep cooking for at least 3 more months. Anyhow keep us all informed.
