Friday, September 14, 2012

17 WEEKS What am I having?!

I had a lot of fun this week!  First though, I did experience some crazy groin pain.
I figured it was a stretching thing but called the doc anyway.

They decided to bring my in for an emergency ultrasound, about 2 days before my scheduled appt.

So freaking out- I went and Hal met me there. I was freaking out/excited/nervous etc because I could maybe see if they were boys or girls, but was also facing whatever this pain might be.

I had no signs or concerns so I felt it was stretching, but hey when the doc calls you in- YOU GO!

We got into ultrasound and the twins were flipping all over the place, breech to head down to breech to head down. Then mooning us, kicking, wiggling their arms, and kept turning to the right so we could not see.

Now twin ultrasounds take about an hour, all the measurements, plus the heart rates, and of course the gender :)

Everytime the tech tried to catch the gender, they'd flip around, or moon her with legs shut!

It was annoying and funny all at once.

She said 'i hope you are ready for this energy!'

Finally after a good hour of back and forth- they showed their stuff and both are BOYS!

I went in for my regularly scheduled appointment on Thursday and we did confirm both being boys!

Pretty exciting!!!  Little athletes on the way!

Now to work on names! Although I feel I wont really know until I see their face.

It was an awesome week.

I'm growing, and right on point- they're about a week or 2 ahead in size and 8 oz in weight each! According to my little email I get every week they should be about 4-5 oz, so I'd say a little large is good for twins! They are doing really well.

I'll probably say this a million times, but I am looking forward to their arrival :)

Bailey- I think is too :)

Here is how we told everyone after I teased my FB asking everyone to predict first :) I wanted to play the game! It was fun!  As you can see Baby B is showing off very well, his little hand is up by his chin... Baby A.. well he's mooning us :)

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you girl!!
