I'm sorry I've been behind on posts! It has been one crazy start to the 3rd trimester!
I'm not sure if it's 27 or 28 wks- but either way I'm halfway to 28 so lets call it the 3rd tri!
Baby A is sitting transverse on my diaphragm which makes for lovely breathing! He gained a full pound in 2 wks! Hello Big Little Boy! He is now 2lbs 12 oz and measuring at 28w5D!
Baby B is head down and is 2lbs 8 oz measuring at 27w and 6D!
Both are doing great- heart rates both from 141-150
Of course me on the other hand... I got hit with lots of contractions which I could not even feel! But it sent me to the birth center and I got to stay overnight... I actually say that with sarcasm because it is not fun to be in the hospital. The good news is that I'm not really a candidate for pre-labor based on tests and the contractions decided to stop on their own after I pounded 2 gallons of water within a couple hours.
It's hard to always ask for help but it's what I have to do for now.
I got to go home on Thanksgiving in the afternoon and was told all I can do is basically rest. Off my feet- I can sit at the desk, on the couch, in my bed, use the bathroom- use the shower... drive to the doc and that is it! Good timing considering its so COLD out now!
Although I'd love to put up Christmas decorations around the house.
My in laws have been in town this week for the holiday & for my baby shower which was last Sunday.
My baby shower was great! Thank God we did it a bit early! The twins are scheduled to be here by the end of January so time is ticking!
The shower was awesome- lots of friends and family came and it was all sports themed. We are most definitely ready for the twins arrival ;) I should have pictures from the shower soon!!!
They have helped me work on the nursery since I'm pretty much down for the count. The twins Auntie Mimi has been the decal queen for us! She's put up great decals! Their laundry is getting ready- its washed and put away. Lots of sleepers and TONS of diapers!!! We got diaper cakes as center pieces!
We probably have over 1000 diapers which will last us maybe.... 6 wks!
I hear we will go through 200 diapers a week with these guys! So coupons, gift cards etc all will be great!
Here are some nursery pictures... more pictures to come soon!
The lion is hard to see but he's again the tree that the leaves and monkeys are on :)
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone ! Time for Christmas!!!!